Sunday, March 25, 2012

A New Way of Life: Kale and Avocado Salad

A New Way of Life: Kale and Avocado Salad: I am not a huge kale fan.  Or at least I haven't been.  This salad may well be the beginning of a change for me. I know that kale is sup...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Amber lost another tooth on Tuesday

Mrs Davis pulled Amber's tooth out. She used a Kleenex. She tilted it forward and turn it came out!

Meaning of Food

Watched this movie tonight called, The Meaning of Food. Very interesting. Food plays a big part of our lives. In another culture they celebrate Ramadan and fast sun up to sun down. fasting for one month.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dessert First

Last night I took Amber and Allison for ice cream at Baskin Robbins. They they decided they were still hungry so we went to McDonald's and they got McChickens.

Dave and Haley went to the Key Arena to watch the ice skaing event.

Dave got free tickets from Sal at Industry Sign and Graphics in Auburn. They were in the Suite with their own private bathroom!

Amber got to see Beauty and the Beast with her friend Natalie at the Paramount!

So, coo!

Amber lost ANOTHER tooth~

Amber lost another tooth tonight. Dave pulled it out with some floss. It has been wiggly for weeks. It was really bugging her at Disneyland, but wasn't ready to come out.

This week Haley went to the dentist on Monday and the dentist said to give it a week. She was right!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

NEW RS Manual - Love this quote!

Putting things of first importance first, placing emphasis where the rewards will be greatest and most enduring, and ridding herself of the less rewarding activities.”

Rootbeer Delivery

Delieverd root beer Dave brought home to Andy Bjorn. He lost his Dad last week. He posted on his FB that he was graetful for whoever delivered the rootbeer becasue it is something his dad and he used to do together. How cool is that?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Allison lost her second tooth

Today Allison lost her second tooth.

I pulled it out after school!

Thursday, January 19, 2012
